Who Has Your Back?
For the past couple of weeks, at night, my dog has begun to sleep fully stretched out and pressed firmly against my back. She's always been protective, but this is a new thing for her. It's almost like she's telling me "Don't worry momma, I've got your back." That got me to thinking... Who else has my back? Or more importantly, who has your back? Who surrounds you? Who includes you? Who accepts you as you are, not who they want you to be? Who would drop everything to help you without being asked? Who would make sure you have enough to eat if you were forced to choose between paying rent or buying groceries? Who would be there to pick you up (literally) when life continues to deliver the punch to the gut that brings you to your knees? If you can't answer, it's ok. I have a hard time answering this too. Five years ago, I would be naming names without hesitation. Today, it's a struggle to come up with more than one. As time changes, so...